Belmont Street, Camden


Speed, efficiency, and the fact it ‘just works’ – these are the reasons contractor Promech Services utilised Viega press connections in the Belmont Development. The new development will provide 115 high quality homes for the Camden area, creating an attractive and modern living space in place of the current buildings.

The project, led by leading regeneration developer, Countryside Partnerships, was taken on by Promech Services thanks to their existing relationship with the developers and their reputation for quality work. The specification included the full heating distribution system, pipework from the plantroom, risers, and lateral pipework into heat interface units (HIU) to provide each home with heating and clean water.

However, the original spec called for a different approach to the heating and water pipework.

“It’s fairly common on a project of this size to see threading and soldering as part of the specification. When we first received it, the client wanted copper and black barrel pipework. We’re familiar with this approach, however, given the additional requirements of a hygienic water system, fast installation time, and our desire to ensure the highest quality, we wanted to put forward a different approach” Tony Elder, Contracts Manager at Promech Services, explains.

Making the move to Viega.

“We have been working with Viega for the past six years having always been impressed by the quality of the products and the service. We knew this would be an ideal opportunity to move over to press instead.”

By switching from a threaded specification to press, the benefits were immediately felt by the teams on site. “It’s just so easy to get to grips with, the speed alone is a huge difference. The guys can be on site and installing the pipework far faster than a traditional approach.” Tony explains.

“We recommended Megapress for the distribution system from the plantroom through risers in the building. This would replace the proposed threaded method for installing the black barrel pipework. From here, we specified Sanpress Inox stainless steel for the lateral pipework off risers before moving into copper Profipress from individual units to the HIU’s.”

“Megapress was the biggest difference for us, thick steel pipes can be quite labour intensive but with Megapress, it’s just so easy. Cut the pipe, install it, and press – simple. You really can’t knock it.”

Tony goes on the explain the broader benefits of this speed by reducing the amount of time needed on site to install the system. In choosing this efficient method, the teams were off-site faster, without compromising on quality.

Keeping installation clean.

Sanpress Inox and Profipress both offer superior levels of water hygiene for the system, something which was important to the developers. Made from the highest-grade metals, both systems ensure clean, hygienic potable water is delivered to draw-off points within the building.

Given a building of this size, peace of mind that the system is future-proof and secure was key. “We would pressure test in stages as we completed sections. Being able to easily tell when a pipe wasn’t pressed thanks to the leak path meant we could guarantee a thorough job at the end of the day.”

Present in all Viega connections, SC-Contur is a set of safety features designed to highlight unpressed connections and ensure safer systems. From the dedicated leak path for testing, through to the design of the connections to minimise damage to the sealing element, SC-Contur protects the connection as much as it does the system.

The product is only as good as the team behind it though, with Tony quick to give praise the team at Viega. “They’re always on hand for specification and product knowledge, you can easily pick up the phone and you know you’ll get the support you need. And when it came to stock, everything was ready and delivered when we need it. No waiting around which helped us get started.”

The key takeaway? Understanding the value efficiency has on site. In opting for a specification which sped up installation time and delivered on the performance and quality needed, Promech Services were able to see the real value of choosing Viega. 


Object Belmont Street
Place Camden, London, Great Britain
Year 2023
Object type Heating installation
Area of use Residential
Architect ECE Architecture
Installation Promech Services Ltd